The bases have arrived, and the look pretty great! Here are some pictures:
The bases are all imprinted as limited kickstarter editions. Maybe these will be highly sought-after collectors items in the distant future...who knows? :)
Shipping materials were also delivered yesterday:
It turns out there is quite a bit of red tape involved with importing anything of significant value (e.g. over a metric ton of glass and steel). After an hour into reading government documents I decided to start calling up import brokers who can take care of everything. I've hired Rogers & Brown - they've been doing this stuff since 1968. So far they've been friendly and very helpful. It looks like they will also be involved once shipments are sent directly to Amazon. I wasn't expecting to have to do another partner search, but so far, I'm glad I found these guys. They will care of tariffs, bonds, inspections, a bunch of paperwork and last mile transportation.
Future shipments in the US will be going directly to Amazon for fulfillment. This should speed up the process and it should actually cost significantly less. Amazon doesn't have a robust international fulfillment solution yet, so I'm still checking on fulfillment solutions for you international backers. For now, I will be either be sending them out personally or working with the factory to get them to you directly, so there should be no delay.
There have been a few more delays, but nothing major. The shipment is currently in the air! Once the plane lands here in Houston, there is a short holding period while the inspections and paperwork take place, but we are still on schedule for shipments going out early next week. I will make another update once the shipments gets here and we start actually sending out your glasses! I can't wait!