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Pre-orders, bases, status and more!

January 31, 2015 2 min read

Wow, it's been a busy couple of days!  I decided to take a breather and give you a little update.

Many of you have messaged me saying you missed the MINI Trio offer.  There was also some confusion about what you get with the MINI Trio.  You will getthree MINI glasses, one of each color (not just one glass).  My apologizes for not making it clear!

I set up an temporary order page at so you can still claim the MINI Trio add-on: 
Please let me know you your current order (or backer id) in the order details so I can ship everything together.

If you have friends and family who missed out on the kickstarter, or you want to add to your order, I'm taking preorders on as well.  

I put together some coupon codes to account for multi-packs:
kickstarter10 -10% off orders equal or above $98.00
kickstarter - 20% off orders equal or above $200.00

These aren't as good as the kickstarter multipack deals, but much better than the prices we'll have moving forward :)  My plan is to leave these up for a bit and gradually move up closer to retail as the product starts shipping.

The production on the glasses has started!  Here is the current schedule for the first batch:

  • February 12th: first batch production completed
  • February 17th: first batch arrives here, and we begin boxing and shipping
  • February 18th: 2nd batch begins production
  • February 21st: first batch shipment complete

That's currently as far into the future I can see :) I will keep everyone posted with the latest production news.  I'm also trying to get some photos and video of the production process, which should be pretty cool!

The medium and large bases have been completed.  Here is a preview:

medium leather bases
medium leather bases

I think they came our really well!  These are obviously limited production for kickstarter backers only, so you will have something unique to remember this project by :)  I have just ordered MINI bases as well and will include those at no charge to those of you that have a MINI or 3 coming your way. 

Any questions or comments?  Please let me know: or message me here on kickstarter.  Thank you!
